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Crying in Childhood and Colic

Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Saturday, November 11, 2017

Crying is an emotional response to a situation or an unpleasant experience, which makes the child is not able to cope. All infants and children are still small cry as a form of communication. Crying is the only way for them to express his wishes.
The crying child is largely a child's response to a variety of things, such as hunger, discomfort (such as a wet diaper), or fear apart from their parents. The crying child is normal and usually will stop if the desire is fulfilled, for example, after a child is fed, diaper changed, or cuddled. The crying children tend to be infrequent and shorter after the child is 3 months old.

Excessive crying leads to weeping continued even though the child had been given all the needs of daily or crying that lasts longer than usual.
Excessive weeping form without known why and lasts at least 3 hours a day, for more than 3 days a week, and occurred more than 3 weeks is referred to as colic. Colic occurs primarily in infants aged 6 weeks to 3-4 months.
Older children can eventually learn to express feelings (eg sense of disappointment or anger) without crying. The child then has the ability to address and resolve problems. Therefore, parents need to help children build good behavior appropriate to express his feelings.

Children can cry for many reasons, depending on the child's level of development and previous experience. Children can cry in response to a variety of things experienced and felt, as well as the inability to express his feelings.
More than 95% of cases of excessive crying child does not lead to certain medical disorders. Although the crying child can make parents become stressed, the child can eventually calm down and stop crying by itself. Fatigue is one of the causes of infant crying is often the case.
Between the ages of 6 months to 3 years old, a child cries at night are often caused by difficulties the child to fall back asleep after waking the child. Children can have difficulty getting back to sleep by itself, especially if the children need to get special conditions or certain objects to be able to sleep (for example, need to be picked up or given dot).
Fear at night is common after a 3 year old child. This fear usually depends on the age and level of physical and emotional development of children. Sometimes children aged 3 to 8 years old can cry fear in the middle of the night and did not look awake or be soothed. They also do not remember a dream or cry when you wake up in the morning. The crying episodes are also known as night terrors.
Less than 5% of cases of excessive crying child caused by a medical disorder. Some disruption was uncomfortable, but not dangerous, such as teething, gastroesophageal reflux, injuries to the anus due to hard bowel movements, or an ear infection.
In the case of the more rare, excessive crying child can be caused by a serious medical disorder, such as blockage of the intestine, inflammation of the lining of the brain, or head injuries that cause bleeding. Babies with serious disorders often have other symptoms, such as fever or vomiting, which can make parents more aware of the existence of a more serious problem. Sometimes early signs of a disturbance in the form of crying children.
Although the term colic leads to abdominal cramps, but there is no evidence to suggest that there is a disorder of the intestine or stomach infants with colic. Most babies with colic can eat well and have a normal weight gain.
Colic in infants might be expected to occur due to an interruption in the stomach, because babies cry often swallow air when they cry, consequently baby can pass gas and become bloated. However, this situation appears to result from a baby crying rather than cause the baby to cry.

The crying child's normal usually will stop if his wish has been fulfilled, for example, after a child is fed, diaper changed, or cuddled. However, children can also cry excessively, which continue to occur despite the cries of a child has been given all the needs of everyday life, or if the child cries lasted longer than usual.
There are several symptoms that need to be considered which might lead to the presence of certain medical disorders that cause the child kept crying, namely:
·         out of breath
·         any bruising or swelling on the head or other body parts
·         any abnormal movement or jolt on any body part
·         children are very fussy, where the usual treatment or movement that causes the child to cry
·         the child continues to cry, especially if accompanied by fever
·         fever in infants younger than 8 weeks
Colic in babies occur if the child continues to cry with strong and to be cranky, without any apparent reason (such as hunger, illness, or injury), in other words in a healthy baby. Colic usually begins to occur in the first month after birth, when the baby was most severe around 6 weeks, and then disappear, often suddenly, at the age of 3-4 months.
The baby is said to have colic if he continues to cry and fuss for no apparent reason for more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, and lasted for more than 3 weeks.
The crying usually associated with colic are:
·         cry loud, shrill, and constant
·         unknown cause
·         happened around the same time of the day or night
·         lasts for hours for no apparent reason
·         There are pauses when the baby was acting normal again

Diagnosis is based on symptoms exist. Parents should be alert to the presence of disease or pain that caused him to be fussy or continue to cry, that is if the child cries accompanied by:
·         vomiting, especially if vomit is green or contain blood, or occurs more than 5 times a day
·         changes in the child's stools (constipation or diarrhea)
·         the child's body temperature is not normal
·         fussy, where the child kept crying all day and just be quiet for a short time
·         difficult to gain weight
·         out of breath
·         any signs of bruising or other injury
·         child looks weak, drowsy, lack of smile or interested gaze of children
·         any abnormal movement or jerking on the part of the child's body

If there are symptoms that may lead to the presence of certain medical disorders, then the child should be immediately taken to the doctor. Children will be checked and any existing medical disorders need to be treated.
If the child cries without symptoms to worry about and the child looks healthy, the parents can try out a variety of efforts are usually done, for example, feeding children, patted the child's back so burping, changing diapers, holding, giving pacifiers, invited to walk Walkway, listening to music, or hug him. If the child continues to cry after all these efforts, then the parents should bring the child to the doctor.
In infants with colic, parents need to be soothed that the baby is healthy, and colic will disappear by itself without any long-term effects.
Mothers who breastfeed need to consider whether the child was crying after eating certain foods. If yes, then they should avoid giving those foods to infants.
- C, Deborah M. Colic. Merck Manual Home Health Handbook. 2013.
- C, Deborah M. Crying. Merck Manual Home Health Handbook. 2013.

- K, Neil K. Crying in Childhood. Medline Plus. 2012.


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