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Strabismus (crossed eyes)

Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Saturday, November 11, 2017

Strabismus (crossed eyes) is a condition characterized by eye deviation lies one against the other eye, so vision is not parallel, at the same time both eyes are not focused on the same thing.
There are several types of strabismus
1. esotropia: eyes strayed toward the
2. exotropia: eye deviated outwards
3. Hipertropia: eyes strayed toward the top
4. Hipotropia: eye deviated downward

Pseudo Strabismus (Squint False)
Many babies or children Asia, especially descent / ethnic, looks like a cross-eyed into. This situation occurs due to the folds of skin at the corners of the eyes or nose were still rather wide. If during an eye examination is not found squint, it is called Pseudo strabismus (squint false) and does not require action / therapy.

The exact cause is unknown strabismus. Eye has six muscles attached to the outside wall of the eyeball. To organize and focus an object, all eye muscles must work together in a balanced manner. So, to move both eyes, eye muscles in each eye must be coordinated. The brain will control the activities of this coordination.
Strabismus is often found in children who suffer from brain disorders, such as:
·         Cerebral Palsy
·         Down Syndrome
·         Hydrocephalus
·         Brain tumor
·         Premature
Cataracts or eye trauma affecting visual acuity can also cause strabismus. However, most children with strabismus had no history of this. Patients with strabismus generally also have a history of strabismus in her family.

Symptoms include:
·         crossed eyes (crossed), the main symptom of strabismus is an eye that is not straight.
·         eyes do not point in the same direction, means that if one eye focused on a single object, the other eye fixed on another object.
·         uncoordinated eye movements
·         double vision, double vision can also occur as a result of both eyes do not focus on the same object.
·         Sometimes children will squint one eye or frequent flashes when bright sunlight or tilt their head to see an object.

Tests that can be performed:
·         Standard eye examination
·         Visual acuity
·         Retinal examination
·         Neurological examination (nerve)

If up to 9 years old children strabismus is not treated, it can happen that permanently impaired vision in the affected eye (amblyopia). In children who are smaller, faster amblyopia occurs; while the children are bigger, healing takes longer. Therefore the earlier the treatment is done, the visual disturbances that occur are not too heavy and the response given will be better.
Closing the normal eye with a cover (patching) can improve vision in the eye that misses the point by forcing the brain to receive an image of the eye without producing double vision. Correcting vision function will provide better opportunities to the development of normal 3-dimensional vision. Having the same vision in both eyes, surgery can be done to adjust the strength of the eye muscles so that they attract the eye with the same force. 
Accommodative esotropia in children nearsightedness can be corrected with glasses so that when viewing objects at a distance, the eye does not need berakomodasi.
Paralytic strabismus can be corrected with glasses comprising a prism lens (which refract light so that both eyes receive almost the same picture) or can be treated with surgery.
Until the age of 10 years, children should undergo regular eye examinations.

- K, Neil K. Strabismus. Medline Plus. 2012.

- Http://jec.co.id/services/children-eye-care-service/strabismus/


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