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What is Hemorrhoids

Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Monday, November 13, 2017

Hemorrhoids are swelling that contains enlarged blood vessels. Hemorrhoids affected by hemorrhoids are inside or around the buttocks, ie inside the rectum or inside the anus. Most hemorrhoids are mild disease and do not even cause symptoms. If only there are symptoms of hemorrhoids, usually that often happens are:

Bleeding after bowel movements. The color of the blood is bright red.
There is mucus after defecation.
The lump is hanging outside the anus. These lumps usually have to be pushed back inside after a bowel movement.
Swelling, pain, and redness around the anus.
Have itching around the anus.

The blood vessels can swell inside the anus and can not be seen, this is referred to as the internal hemorrhoids. Swelling may also occur outside the painful anus, near the anal canal, referred to as external hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids are common diseases. At the age of 50 years, nearly half of adults suffer from itching, discomfort, and bleeding. This may indicate the appearance of a hemorrhoid.

Patients with Hemorrhoids or Hemorrhoids in Indonesia
According to MOH data in 2008, the prevalence of hemorrhoids in Indonesia is at least 5.7 percent of the total population or about 10 million people. According to WHO data in 2008, the number of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids worldwide is about 230 million people.

Consult a Doctor
If symptoms do not improve, you should consult your doctor. Especially if you are bleeding or feeling sore. Hemorrhoid symptoms usually disappear by itself. In addition, this condition can be cured with a simple treatment that can be purchased at pharmacies without prescription.

Doctors can diagnose whether you have hemorrhoids by asking for medical history and also doing a physical exam. The doctor will also check your sewer. Some people are reluctant to see a doctor. You do not need to feel ashamed, all doctors are used to checking and treating hemorrhoids, because this is a very common disease.

Causes of Hemorrhoids Occurrence
The cause of the actual hemorrhoids is still unclear. But, the disease is associated with an increase in blood pressure in blood vessels that reside in the anus and surrounding areas.

Increased blood pressure in the area of ​​the anus and rectum can be caused for too long straining during bowel movements. Constipation is the main cause of pushing people. Constipation is usually a result of a lack of nutrients in the dietary fiber.

Some things that increase your risk of hemorrhoids:

Often lifting heavy objects on a regular basis.
Older age, which makes the body tissue support becomes increasingly weak.
Persistent coughing or frequent vomiting.
Have a family history of hemorrhoids.
Often sitting for long.
Is pregnant.
Frequent sex through anal (anal intercourse).
Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoid symptoms can disappear after several days without treatment. Hemorrhoids that appear during pregnancy will disappear by itself after you give birth. But making lifestyle changes to reduce pain in the veins of the anus and surrounding areas is highly recommended. Lifestyle changes in question are:

Drink lots of water. Reduce consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages.
Increase fiber intake in food: fruits, vegetables, brown rice or brown rice, whole grains, nuts, and whole grains.
Do not delay to defecate. Conversely, if you ignore the urge to defecate, can make the stool hard and dry to force us to push during a bowel movement.
Exercise regularly: Can prevent constipation, lower blood pressure, and help you lose weight.
Lose weight.
Avoid drugs that cause constipation such as painkillers containing codeine.
Changes in lifestyle above can also reduce the risk of hemorrhoids to relapse. Or it can also prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids. In addition, there are medicines that can be bought or prescribed by a doctor. This medicine serves to ease the bowel movements. Oat drugs can be directly used on your butt or tablets that can be purchased from a pharmacy freely.

To overcome the more severe hemoroid, can be used several types of treatment. One of them is by binding of hemorrhoids. This is a non-surgical process. The elastic band is fastened to the bottom of the hemoroid strongly. It aims to cut off blood flow. Hemorrhoids will fall for about a week. Surgery with general anesthesia is sometimes performed. This hemorrhoids operation aims to lift or shrink a large hemoroid or external type.


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