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Retractile Testes

Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Saturday, November 11, 2017

Retractile testes, also called testicles are hypermobile, is the testis has descended into the scrotum but can be turned back to the top with ease, ie in the direction of the inguinal canal in the groin, as a reflex response to stimuli.
Retractile testes or hypermobile can easily go up and down between the scrotum to the abdomen (abdomen). Testes rises from the actual position in the scrotum can be lowered back into position should the current physical inspection.
This condition usually disappears before or during puberty, which would be the testicles in the scrotum and settled there. Retractile testes do not cause cancer or other complications. However, about a quarter of cases, the retractile testis can not fall back into the scrotum and remain in the crotch area (called the ascending testis).

The existence of cremaster overactive muscles can cause becomes retractile testis. Cremaster muscle is a muscle that is thin like a pocket where the testes are located. Currently cremaster muscle contraction, this muscle pulls the testicle upwards, towards the groin.
Cremaster muscle primary purpose is to regulate the temperature of the testes. Testicular temperature setting is important in order to grow and function properly. When the ambient temperature is warm, cremaster muscle relaxation. But when the ambient temperature is cold, cremaster muscle to contract and pull the testicle toward the body warm. Cremaster reflex can also be stimulated by feeling nervous genitofemoral located in the inner thigh or caused by extreme emotions, such as anxiety. But if the cremaster reflex is strong enough, then this reflex can cause the testicles be drawn out of the scrotum and up into the groin (retractile).

Children with retractile testes have testes descend into the scrotum, but did not remain in place. There are some signs and symptoms of retractile testis, namely:
·         Testis can be moved by hand from the groin into the scrotum and not immediately return to the groin
·         Testis can suddenly appear in the scrotum and remained there for a certain time
·         Testis can suddenly disappear from the scrotum for a certain time
The movement of the testis is almost always so happen without pain or discomfort. To that end, testis retractile testis is only realized when it is no longer seen or felt in the scrotum.
The position of the testicles are usually not affected by the position of the other testicle. For example, a child can have a normal testis and one testis retractile.
Retractile testes different with undescended testicles (kriptorkidisme / undescended testicle). Kriptorkidisme is a condition where the testes never descend into the scrotum. If the undescended testis is attempted to be lowered, it will cause discomfort or pain.

Testicles are inside the scrotum should be located first. Once the location of the testicles is found, the testis attempted to be moved slowly back to the supposed location in the scrotum.
If testicular abnormalities such position is retractile testis, the testis can be easily moved into position should without pain. Retractile testes will not directly change the position back. But, if given stimulation to induce cremaster muscle reflexes, eg by touching the inner thigh, then normally retractile testes will be pulled out again from the scrotum.
If the attempt to restore the testicles into the scrotum causing discomfort or pain, or if the testes directly back toward the groin after being unloaded into the scrotum, it's likely that state is not a retractile testis. The condition can be an undescended testicle or ascending (if it ever is in the testes in the scrotum to suatau time).

Retractile testes are likely to be down by itself before or during puberty. To that end, retractile testes should be evaluated periodically to determine whether the testes can remain in the scrotum, remained retractile, or become ascending testis.
If retractile testes into ascending testis, where the testicles can drop back into the scrotum and can not be moved by hand, or retractile testes by age 14 years, it is advisable to be handling can be positioned so that the testicles into the scrotum permanently. Handling is given can be:
·         Surgery. Testis into the scrotum is positioned and fixed in place through surgery.
·         Hormone therapy. Because the process of testicular descent are also regulated by hormones, then sometimes testicular descent can be induced by hormone therapy HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin).
Teenage boys and adult men who get treatment to improve the position of the testicles need to be monitored regularly to ensure the testes remain in place and do not change the position back.

- Mayo Clinic. Retractile testicle. 2012.

- P, Elizabeth J. undescended and Retractile Testes. Merck Manual Handbook. 2012


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