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Benefits of Betel Leaf For Health

Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Sunday, November 12, 2017

Betel leaf is a native Indonesian plant that has been proven to be various benefits for health. Of course we still remember when ancient times old people, especially grandmother who has a habit of chewing betel leaves mixed with gambier, areca and lime. Well it proved to make the breath of the ancient people had a fresh breath and no bad breath when they never brushed their teeth. The activity of chewing betel leaves is also often associated with preventing oral cancer.

Now betel leaves widely used as toothpaste ingredients and herbs are also very potent to treat health. Of course there is no doubt to recognize the efficacy of betel leaf for health. Here are the benefits of betel leaf for health:

1. Treating nosebleeds
First aid for nosebleeds is with betel leaf. Simply take one or two sheets of betel leaves then roll with both tanagan until soft. Block the betel leaf roll on the nosebleed nostrils. Betel leaf is very powerful to treat nosebleeds.

2. Treating external wounds
Betel leaf can also treat external wounds or ulcers. The way is enough to clean some pieces of betel leaf and mashed until smooth. Apply the betel leaf collision on the outside wound or ulcers.

3. Treating canker sores and bad breath
To treat canker sores and bad breath, take some betel leaf sheets. Then boil with a glass of water until it boils and the water turns green. Allow to cool, then use to rinse.

4. To treat vaginal discharge
Khasita betel leaf for women is its ability to overcome leucorrhoea. Boil some sheets of betel leaves with water to boil. The water can be used for drinking or to wash Miss V.

Benefits of betel leaf to treat various diseases and in still very much. Because betel leaf is a herb that is rich in antioxidants to fight disease. And here is the efficacy of other betel leaves to treat the disease.

Benefits of betel leaf for treatment from within, namely to overcome the following diseases:

Toothache due to perforations
Dengue fever
Bad breath
Irregular menstruation
Sore throat (leaf and oil)
Swollen gums (sap)
Clean Eyes
Axillary scent
Benefits of betel leaf to treat the outside:

Koreng (pyodermi)
Ringworm on the feet
Sore eyes
Bleeding gums
Reduce excessive milk production
Eliminate itching
Thus the efficacy of betel leaf for health.


Thanks for reading & sharing Healthy Natural Life

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