Daftar Materi » » Abortion


Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Saturday, November 11, 2017

Abortion is the deliberate termination of pregnancy with surgery or drugs.

Based on research conducted by the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit organization in the United States is engaged in research, analysis, education and reproductive health, reproductive rights, and the population, there are three main reasons why a person chooses to have an abortion:

·         Negative impact on the life of the mother. Pregnancy occurs at the wrong time can have an impact on the ability of a woman to family and work. Schoolgirls students who become mothers before leaving school or college are less likely to complete their education than their peers.
·         Financial instability (not afford to pay child support). Pregnant and gave birth to a baby gives a considerable cost burden until the baby is brought up, especially if a woman becomes a single parent.
·         The existence of problems in relationships with spouse / do not want to be a single parent. Most women with unplanned pregnancies are not married or living with a partner. To that end, they realize that they may have to raise their children alone.
In addition, there is also another reason to discontinue the pregnancy (abortion):
·         pregnancy contraceptive failure / do not want to increase the number of children again
·         not ready to be a mother or not ready to have children again
·         do not want others to know that she was pregnant or had sexual intercourse (outside marriage)
·         desire husband, spouse, or parent
·         disturbance in fetal health
·         disturbance in maternal health
·         pregnancy due to rape or incest
Fact :
Every abortion kills an innocent human being.
Every life begins at conception. This fact can not be denied, both in animals and in humans. Every abortion means ending the life of an innocent human being.
Morally, the reasons of poverty, rape, disability, or unwanted pregnancy does not justify abortion.
There is no reason or circumstances that can justify the killing of humans after birth. Likewise, there is no reason or circumstances that can justify the act of killing a human before birth.

The method can be performed for surgical evacuation abortion or the use of drugs to stimulate contractions of the uterus.
The risk of complications that can occur related to gestational age. The greater the gestational age, the risk of complications is also getting bigger. The risk of complications is also related to the method of abortion used.
-Evacuation Surgery
·         The uterus can be torn by the instruments used
·         In rare cases, bowel or other organs can contribute to injury
·         The cervix can be torn by the instruments used, especially if the pregnancy has reached more than 12 weeks
·         Heavy bleeding during or after the act is done
·         Infection
·         This action or infections can cause scarring on the surface of the uterus, causing the mother becomes barren, called Asherman's syndrome
The most frequent side effects of the use of medicines for abortion is like cramps pelvic pain, bleeding, and gastrointestinal disorders, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Bleeding and infection may occur if any part of the placenta left in the uterus. Then, blood clots can form in the legs, especially if the woman is less active.
Women who have abortions may also experience psychological problems afterwards. This is especially true in women who have an abortion for health reasons, teens, had an abortion at age pregnancy, an abortion is illegal, and have conflicting feelings toward abortion.

Fact :
The difference between embryonic and adult are different levels of development and not a difference in kind.
As his case toddlers and teenagers, the terms embryo and fetus do not lead to non-human, but human at certain developmental stage. Human being in the womb is still less developed, smaller, and more dependent than the man who had been born. This difference is the difference in levels in humans, but not a difference in kind. No man is bigger, stronger, smarter, or more independent than we are, but it does not make our lives less valuable or less than they need protection.
Ultrasound examination can be performed to determine gestational age. Ultrasound examination can also be done after the abortion, to see that the pregnancy has ended.

If the abortion was finally done, it remains necessary post-abortion care.
After an abortion, a woman must rest. Bleeding can occur up to a week or more after the abortion. If bleeding occurs very much or long, then immediately go to the doctor for a check-up.
In the event of symptoms below, then post-abortion women should immediately go to the doctor for a check-up:
·         Fever more> 37.7 degree C or chills
·         Heavy bleeding (full pads every hour for three consecutive hours)
·         Severe cramps or old, that does not improve with medication
Post-abortion infection can be avoided by:
·         do not perform vaginal intercourse or insert anything into the vagina (including tampons) for 2 weeks after abortion
·         may shower, but do not soak or swim
After the abortion, the menstrual period will be returned within 4-7 weeks later. The woman can be pregnant again, for the use of contraception when having sex will be back. The menstrual cycle can be irregular at first.

One way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and prevent abortion is by not having sex before marriage.

- L, Linda. Why Women Choose Abortion - Reasons Behind the Abortion Decision.
- Web MD. Abortion - Reasons Women Choose Abortion. 2011.
- M, Daniel R. Abortion. Merck Manual Home Health Handbook. 2007.
- Www.abortionfacts.com

- UCSF Medical Center. Post Abortion Care and Recovery. San Francisco.


Thanks for reading & sharing Healthy Natural Life

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