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abnormal growth (acromegaly)

Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Saturday, November 11, 2017

Growth hormone or growth hormone (GH) is responsible for controlling the growth of bone and soft tissue. Increased growth hormone causes overgrowth of bone and soft tissue. In adults, this condition can cause a rare disorder called acromegaly. If not promptly treated, acromegaly can lead to serious complications and death.
Excessive activity by the pituitary gland usually caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland that normally can lead to increased growth hormones, specifically. Abnormalities induced in accordance with the timing of this tumor. If this occurs before the tumor growth stops, symptoms that occur are giant body (gigantism). However, if these tumors occurred after growth stops, certain parts of the body (such as the nose, chin, fingers and toes) are experiencing abnormal growth (acromegaly).

The pituitary gland is a small gland located at the base of the brain. These glands produce many hormones, including growth hormone (growth hormone). In many cases, an increase in growth hormone due to a benign tumor on the pituitary gland. And the small number of cases, malignant tumors in other organs such as the pancreas, adrenal and lung cancer, the cause of the increased growth hormone

This hormonal disruption caused increase bone size, among others, hand bones, legs, and face. Picture becomes rough facial bones, hands and feet swell.
The symptoms can be found, among others:
-Abnormal growth and defects in:
·         Hands (rings no longer fit)
·         Foot (need shoes larger)
·         Face (brow and lower jaw protrude)
·         The jaw (teeth do not line up correctly when closing the mouth)
·         Excessive jaw bone growth, so that stood out
·         Lip
·         Tongue.
-Carpal tunnel syndrome (increased pressure on wrist nerves).
-Changes in the skin, such as:
·         Thickened skin, oily, and sometimes dark
·         Severe acne
·         Excessive sweating and unpleasant body scent due to enlargement of the sweat glands.
-Voice sounded deeper due to enlarged sinuses, vocal cords, and soft tissues of the throat.
-Weak in the legs and arms.
-Sleep apnea (breathing disorder during sleep).
-Arthritis and other problems in the joints, especially in the jaw.
-Hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency).
-Liver, kidney, spleen, heart and / or other internal organs abnormally large.
-In women:
·         Irregular menstrual cycles
·         Galactorrhea (abnormal breast milk production) occurs in about 50 percent of cases.
In men:
·         Impotence occurs in about 50 percent of cases.

Acromegaly can cause various complications, such as:
·         High blood pressure (hypertension)
·         Heart and vascular disease, especially heart enlargement
·         Diabetes mellitus
·         The growth of pre-cancers (polyps) in the colon
·         Sleep apnea, a condition in which breath will repeatedly stops and starts during sleep back
·         A decrease in the production of other hormones from the pituitary gland
·         Loss of eyesight
·         Emphasis on the spinal nerves

The doctor will ask about symptoms and medical history. Physical examination will also be conducted. Acromegaly is often not diagnosed until symptoms appear.
Blood tests will be done to measure the level of:
·         Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I)
·         Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)
·         and other pituitary hormones.
·         Glucose tolerance test may also be done to see if the decline of growth hormone (not decreased in the case of acromegaly).
If these examinations reinforces the notion acromegaly, the following checks can be done to locate the tumor or the cause of the increased growth hormone:
·         CT Scan head
·         MRI Scan.
·         Radiological examination

The goal of treatment in acromegaly is to:
·         Reduce the production of growth hormone to normal levels.
·         Stop and reverse the symptoms caused by excess growth hormone.
·         Correcting hormonal other endocrine abnormalities (thyroid, adrenal, sex organs).
·         Reduce tumor size.
Treatment may include:
Tumors are believed to cause acromegaly may be removed. In many cases, surgery is the best treatment option. Treatment with the drug more popular as the primary treatment approach.

External radiation can be applied to shrink the tumor. This is usually done when the operation is no longer possible or when treatment with the drug did not show a positive response.

Drugs that can be attributed to lower levels of growth hormone, among others:
·         Cabergoline (Dostinex) - given orally.
·         Pergolide (Permax) - given orally.
·         Bromocriptine (Parlodel) - may be given preoperatively to shrink the tumor.
·         Octreotide (Sandostatin) - via injection (considered to be the most effective for this condition)
·         Pegvisomant - given by injection if other forms of treatment does not give a positive response.

Have not been found effective measures to prevent acromegaly. Treatment as early as possible to save the patient from serious complications.

National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases. http://www.niddk.nih.gov/
The neuroendocrine Clinical Center and Pituitary Tumor Center. http://pituitary.mgh.harvard.edu/pituitarytumors.htm
Pituitary Network Association. http://www.pituitary.org/
Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism. http://www.endo-metab.ca/
Health Canada. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/index-eng.php

MayoClinic. Acromegaly. 2013.


Thanks for reading & sharing Healthy Natural Life

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