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6 Foods of Vegetable Protein Source

Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Sunday, November 12, 2017

Source of vegetable protein - Protein is one of the important nutrients needed by humans. There are two types of protein according to the source of vegetable protein and animal protein. For vegetarians vegetable protein is very important because they are safe to consume the source of vegetable protein. This protein consists of nuts and vegetables. Here are 6 best vegetable protein sources:

1. Tempe
Tempe is one of Indonesia's original food made from soybeans through fermentation process. Soy is a rich source of vegetable protein. Consuming tempeh is the best way to obtain vegetable protein. In addition, tempeh is also a good source of fiber.

2. Almond and butter
Almonds are a source of protein that can meet the daily intake of protein intake. Butter made from almond is very good consumed as a substitute for jam or butter. In addition, almond oil can also be an oil for cooking to avoid you from loss of protein intake.

3. Quiona
Quinoa is cultivated in the highlands of Bolivia and Peru, the staple food of people who have lived there for centuries, thanks to its high protein content. Every 185 grams of quinoa contains 8.14 grams of protein. Quinoa can also be cooked in many ways making it a delicious alternative to protein from meat.

4. Nuts and beans
Vegetable protein source of the abundant vegetables is from vegetables nuts. The best way to get protein from beans and beans is by eating raw, steamed or cooking less carefully. Almost all types of beans contain high protein.

5. Spinach
The source of vegetable protein commonly consumed by popeye is indeed rich in almost all nutrients. To obtain the abundant nutrients from spinach simply cook the spinach by boiling or steaming.

6. Broccoli
Broccoli is also one of the best sources of vegetable protein. One cup of 5 to 6 grams of protein. In addition broccoli is also rich in fiber, vitamins, carbohydrates and some types of minerals that are important for the body.

Thus the 6 best foods as a source of vegetable protein.


Thanks for reading & sharing Healthy Natural Life

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