Daftar Materi » » Mukopolisakaridosis


Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Saturday, November 11, 2017

Mukopolisakaridosis is a group of inherited disorders in which the complex sugar molecules can not be solved as it should and accumulate in dangerous amounts in tissues.

Complex sugar molecules, called mucopolysaccharides, are an important part of many tissues of the body. At mukopolisakaridosis, the body lacks the enzyme needed to break and save mucopolysaccharides. As a result, excessive mucopolysaccharides into the body and stored in abnormal places throughout the body.

Various signs and symptoms of mukopolisakaridosis:
·         Currently, infancy and childhood, it seems clear the abnormal development, short stature, and hairy
·         Accumulation of metabolites in body tissues causing abnormalities in the bone and a distinctive facial appearance. It also can occur disorders of the eye, liver, spleen, and sometimes intellectual impairment
·         Impaired vision or hearing
·         Disorders of the arteries or heart valve
·         Stiffness of the joints of the fingers

Diagnosis is usually based on symptoms and physical examination there. History mukopolisakaridosis family members also help direct diagnosis. Examination of urine can help, but sometimes give inaccurate results. Examination of x-rays may show abnormalities in the bones. Mukopolisakaridosis also can be diagnosed before birth by using amniocentesis or chorionic villi sample checks.

At mukopolisakaridosis certain type of abnormal enzyme replacement therapy provides little success and temporary. Bone marrow transplantation may help some patients. However, patients often experience a disability or death, and the therapy is still kontraoversial.

- Lee M Sanders. Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism. Merck Manual. 2009.


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