To diagnose liver cancer, the doctor will ask about the patient's symptoms and medical history. The doctor will also ask whether the patient has a habit of smoking or consuming alcoholic beverages.
After that, the doctor will carry out a complete physical examination, including feeling and pressing the right side of the patient's abdomen to detect whether there is an enlarged liver.
If the patient is suspected of having liver cancer, the doctor will carry out supporting examinations to confirm the diagnosis, including:
Blood tests, to check liver function, measure alpha-fetoprotein levels, and find out the patient's overall health condition
Scanning with ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, to determine the location of the cancer in the liver and detect the spread of cancer to other organs
Liver biopsy, to find out the specific type of liver cancer by examining a sample of liver tissue
Laparoscopy, to examine the condition in the stomach with a camera tube if the previous examination was not enough to determine the diagnosis
Liver Cancer Stage
Based on the results of the examination above, the doctor will determine the stage of liver cancer the patient is suffering from. This determination will also determine the right type of treatment for the patient.
The following are the stages of liver cancer:
Stage 0
Stage 0 or early stage indicates that there is 1 tumor measuring less than 2 cm in the liver. At this stage, usually the liver can still function normally.
Stage A
Stage A indicates that in the patient's liver there is 1 tumor with a size that can vary or there are 2-3 tumors with a size of less than 3 cm. Liver function is still fairly normal or only experiencing mild-moderate disturbances and the patient does not feel sick.
Stage B
In stage B, there are several large tumors in the liver. Even so, liver function has not been disturbed. It can also be disturbed with mild-moderate degrees, but the patient's condition is generally good.
Stage C
Cancer has spread to blood vessels, lymph nodes, or other organs. The patient's physical condition begins to decline, while liver function may still be good or even experience mild-moderate disturbances.
Stage D
Stage D indicates that the cancer has spread to other organs, such as the bones and lungs. At this stage, the liver is already badly damaged and the patient's condition has deteriorated.
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