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6 Benefits of Black Pepper for Health

Posted by Healthy Natural Life on Sunday, November 12, 2017

Benefits of black pepper - Plants are widely grown in Indonesia since ancient times and became a major commodity in the world of commerce. Pepper is a type of spice that became the main prey of foreign traders.

The body of pepper spreads and consists of fruits, branches, leaves and roots. Black pepper is basically the same as white pepper. It's just black pepper merpakan pepper fruit is processed through drying to change color to black.

Black pepper contains various types of vitamins and various nutrients that are very good for health and are able to treat some types of diseases here are 6 benefits of black pepper for health:

1. Good for the digestive system
Suat substance contained in a nutritious pepper to increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid to improve the health of the digestive system. Benefits of black pepper for digestion, among others, to prevent diarrhea, constipation, colicky pain, and intestinal gas.

2. Brain repair
Piperin in pepper efficacious to calm the mind because it has anti-depression properties. Pepper helps boost the production of endomorphins. This substance is a natural chemical for the brain that prevents dizziness and similar diseases. The efficacy of pepper can improve cognitive abilities.

3. Prevent the flu
Black pepper fights microbes, combats germs and pathogens that cause cold, and cleans the nasal cavities. Black pepper is rich in vitamin C that fight colds and flu. Pepper helps remove dirt through sweat and eliminates mucus in the chest and nose which is a flu prevention measure.

4. Good for gums and teeth
Black pepper is also very good for healthy teeth and gums. Pepper helps reduce inflammation of the gums and relieve pain in acute dental problems. Black pepper also helps overcome the pain in cavities.

5. Controlling blood pressure
Some minerals such as calcium, iron, and potassium that serves to lower blood pressure are found in black pepper. High levels of sodium in the body is one that can be identified in hypertension. Black pepper contains potassium which can help minimize sodium and lower blood pressure.

6. Other benefits
In addition to antioxidants, black pepper also contains minerals such as iron that build blood cells. Potassium in which regulate blood pressure, zinc helps lower cholesterol, chromium in pepper increases metabolism, good manganese content for bone repair and metabolism, magnesium is good for healthy nerves and muscles, and also the calcium needed for healthy bones and teeth.

Thus the efficacy of black pepper for health.


Thanks for reading & sharing Healthy Natural Life

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